
Deploying AWS RDS for SQL Server – Multiple Deployment Methods

By fernandesdba

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on deploying AWS RDS for SQL Server. In this blog post, we will explore various deployment methods, including the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, PowerShell, and Python. This guide is designed for professionals seeking an in-depth understanding of the deployment process. We will provide detailed explanations and full code samples to facilitate your learning experience. Let’s dive in!

Option 1: Deploying AWS RDS for SQL Server using the AWS Management Console

You can easily deploy an AWS RDS for SQL Server using the AWS Management Console by following the official documentation which will show you the step-by-step.

In summary you have to:

  1. Navigate to the AWS Management Console and sign in to your AWS account.
  2. Select the “RDS” service from the list of available services.
  3. Click on “Create database” to begin the RDS instance creation process.
  4. Select the desired engine as “Microsoft SQL Server.”
  5. Select the desired Database management type (Amazon RDS or Amazon RDS Custom).
  6. Select the desired SQL Server edition (SQL Server Express Edition, SQL Server Web Edition, SQL Server Standard Edition or SQL Server Enterprise Edition).
  7. Select the desired SQL Server Engine Version.
  8. Configure the instance details such as DB instance identifier, instance class, allocated storage, and database credentials.
  9. Specify the network settings, including the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), subnet group, and security groups.
  10. Explore additional configuration options like backup settings, maintenance, monitoring, and encryption.
  11. Review and validate the configuration settings.
  12. Click on “Create database” to launch the RDS instance.
  13. Monitor the progress and wait for the RDS instance to become available.

Option 2: Deploying AWS RDS for SQL Server using AWS CLI

In this section, we will explore deploying an AWS RDS instance with SQL Server using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).

  1. Installing and Configuring AWS CLI
    • Install the AWS CLI on your local machine.
    • Configure the AWS CLI with your AWS access key and secret access key using the “aws configure” command.
  2. Creating a Parameter File
    • Create a parameter file that contains the necessary configuration settings for the RDS instance.
  3. Create a parameter file (rds-params.json) with the desired configuration settings
    • Sample Code – AWS CLI: Deploying an RDS instance with SQL Server using AWS CLI.
      { "DBInstanceIDentifier": "my-rds-instance",
      "Engine": "sqlserver-ex",
      "DBInstanceClass": "db.m5.large",
      "AllocatedStorage": 100,
      "MasterUsername": "admin",
      "MasterUserPassword": "adminpassword",
      "VpcSecurityGroupIds": ["sg-12345678"],
      "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a
  4. Use AWS CLI to create the RDS instance calling the create-db-instance command:
    aws rds create-db-instance --cli-input-json file://rds-params.json

Section 3: Deploying AWS RDS for SQL Server using PowerShell

In this section, we will explore deploying an AWS RDS instance with SQL Server using PowerShell.

  1. Installing and Configuring AWS Tools for PowerShell
  2. Create a PowerShell script that utilizes the AWS Tools for PowerShell to create the RDS instance.
    • Sample Code – PowerShell: Deploying an RDS instance with SQL Server using PowerShell.
      # TODO: Replace placeholders with your values
      $InstanceIdentifier = "my-rds-instance"
      $AllocatedStorage = 100
      $InstanceClass = "db.m5.large"
      $Engine = "sqlserver-ex"
      $MasterUsername = "admin"
      $MasterPassword = "adminpassword"
      $VpcSecurityGroupId = "sg-12345678"
      $AvailabilityZone = "us-east-1a"
  3. Create RDS instance using PowerShell
    New-RDSDBInstance -DBInstanceIdentifier $InstanceIdentifier -AllocatedStorage $AllocatedStorage -DBInstanceClass $InstanceClass -Engine $Engine -MasterUsername $MasterUsername -MasterUserPassword $MasterPassword -VpcSecurityGroupId $VpcSecurityGroupId -AvailabilityZone $AvailabilityZone

Section 4: Deploying AWS RDS for SQL Server using Python

In this section, we will explore deploying an AWS RDS instance with SQL Server using Python and the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).

  1. Installing Boto3 and Configuring AWS Credentials
    • Install the Boto3 library using pip.
      pip3 install boto3
    • Configure your AWS credentials either by setting environment variables or using the AWS CLI configuration.
  2. Write a Python script that utilizes Boto3 to create the RDS instance.
    • Sample Code – Python: Deploying an RDS instance with SQL Server using Python.
      # TODO: Replace placeholders with your values
      import boto3
      instance_identifier = 'my-rds-instance'
      allocated_storage = 100
      instance_class = 'db.m5.large'
      engine = 'sqlserver-ex'
      master_username = 'admin'
      master_password = 'adminpassword'
      vpc_security_group_id = 'sg-12345678'
      availability_zone = 'us-east-1a'

      # Create RDS instance using Python and Boto3
      rds_client = boto3.client('rds')
      response = rds_client.create_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier=instance_identifier, AllocatedStorage=allocated_storage, DBInstanceClass=instance_class, Engine=engine, MasterUsername=master_username, MasterUserPassword=master_password, VpcSecurityGroupIds=[vpc_security_group_id], AvailabilityZone=availability_zone )


In this blog post, we have covered various methods for deploying an AWS RDS instance with SQL Server. We explored the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, PowerShell, and Python as deployment options. By following the explanations and utilizing the provided code samples, you now have the knowledge and tools to deploy an RDS instance tailored to your specific requirements. Stay tuned for more deep dive content on AWS RDS and other AWS services. Happy deploying!

Fonte: Marcelo Fernandes